Our Work
Program Evaluation
We have decades of experience evaluating programs and leading program improvement efforts. In previous roles, we were responsible for designing, conducting, and communicating results of evaluations of diverse programs as well as federal and state grants. We have evaluated federal, state, and private grants with an annual average of 13 million dollars in funding. We have been responsible for all aspects of designing and implementing evaluation plans to include logic modeling, goal setting, the design of data collection instruments and methodology, statistical analysis, site observations, formative evaluation presentations to internal stakeholders, and summative evaluation reports to funding agencies.
Sample of Program
Evaluations Completed
Program Or Grant Name & Funding Source
Project DIPLOMAS - USDOD Education Activity
Implementation of Response to Intervention - FNSB School District
Emergency Response & Crisis Management Improvement - USDOE
Graduating Seniors & Postsecondary Trends - FNSB School District
Safe Schools Healthy Students - USDOE Health & Human Services
Elementary Reading Improvement Initiative - FNSB School District
Community Learning Centers - Alaska DEED
Math Improvement Initiative - FNSB School District
Military Support TRACKS Project - USDOD Education Activity
Graduation Success Program - FNSB School District
Project ARTiculate - USDOE Office of Innovation & Improvement
Teaching American History - USDOE
Alaska Reading Firs t- Alaska DEED
4 R Children - USDOE
Trends in Out of School Disciplinary Actions - FNSB School District
Training For All Teachers - USDOE Office of English Language Acquisition
Results of Parent Opinion Polls - FNSB School District
Enhancing Education Through Technology- Alaska DEED
State Assessment Outcomes & Trends - FNSB School District
Bilingual Development & Implementation, USDOE
Grants to Reduce Alcohol Abuse - USDOE Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools
Grant Writing
We have a strong track record of acquiring funding from a diverse array of funding sources to include state institutions, federal agencies, and congressional earmarks. In previous roles, we were responsible for the development and administration of grants and partnerships, acquiring an average of 2 million dollars in new competitive grant funding annually, We have also been responsible for providing oversight, training, and technical assistance for the management of 16 million dollars in grant funding each year and working closely with project managers, accountants, and auditors to ensure compliance with all funding restrictions and continuing eligibility and competitiveness for new and continuing funding.
Sample of Grants
Written & Funded
Grant Name & Funding Source
Project STEP - Alaska Department of Labor
Suicide Awareness and Prevention Project - Alaska DEED
Compass Project - Alaska Department of Labor
21st Century After School Programs - Alaska DEED
Consolidated ESSA (federal formula funding) - Alaska DEED
P3 Preschool Partnership Project - Alaska DEED
Step Up To STEM - USDOD Education Activity
Project 360 - USDOD Education Activity
*The majority of these grants were written and awarded on an annual basis.